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Lyudia Voytiuk

Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Ivan Kasyanchuk

Dubno, Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Yurii Pshenychnyi

Dubno, Ostroh Rivne Region
Current employment – State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Dubno, post title – head of history department.

Dudka Olena

Klevan, Dubno, Ostroh, Korets, Rivne, Basaltove, Hubkiv, Mlyniv, Peresopnytsia Rivne Region
guide individual tours private driver food guide

Olesya Dmitruk

Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Zharska Oksana

Rivne Rivne Region

Vlasyuk Vera

Rivne Rivne Region

Gubnytska Olena

Rivne Rivne Region
food guide guide individual tours personal shopper private driver interpreter photographer

Oksana Holovko

Dubno, Ostroh, Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Mykola Hubnytsky

Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours private driver photographer interpreter personal shopper food guide

Volodymyr Kotashevskyi

Rivne Region
guide individual tours
Volodymyr Kotashevskyi - local historian, collector of an unique photo-history of Hoshcha; an interesting interlocutor, a fan of his job.

Oksana Yaremchuk

Rivne Rivne Region
Higher education. Scientific Secretary of the Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore. Purposeful, responsible, diligent, punctual.

Natalia Stolyar

Dubno, Ostroh Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Yukhimchuk Maryana

Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Yaroslav Tkachuk

Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Stepanets Oksana

Rivne Region

Semenovich Olena

Rivne Rivne Region

Danilchuk Galina

Rivne Rivne Region

Alexander Buliga

Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Bosik Oleg

Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Brukhliy Nila

Korets, Rivne Rivne Region
guide food guide