According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR dated February 13, 1989 №53 “On the establishment of state reserves of republican significance, botanical garden and arboretum” our arboretum received the status of a reserve of general state importance.
Collectible sites were created by botanical and geographical zones (“Forests plains of Ukraine”, “Carpathians”, “Crimea”, “Caucasus”, “Siberia”, “Far East”, “Middle Asia”, “American region”, “Japan-Chinese region”) and within the zones on a systematic principle (“Rosary”, “Siringarium”, “Birch Grove”, “Garden of Jasmine”, “Willow”).
In addition, collective-exposition areas are allocated, namely: entrance, modular garden, rocky garden, prefabricated exotics, garden climbing plants, garden jasmine, memorable plantings, plants of the Red Book, foothills.
According to the results of the inventory conducted in 2008, the collection fund of the arboretum has more than 750 sippes which belong to 2 classes, 47 families, 124 genera.
Location: near Berezne Forestry College (NUWM).
Nearby objects: Bereznivskyi District Museum of Local Lore