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Rivne Region


The city of regional importance in Ukraine, the regional center of Rivne region, the center of Rivne region.

What to see in the city?

Most popular sights
Most popular museums

Natural objects and reserves

Alley of Blacksmith Sculptures


Natural objects and reserves

Лавандове поле «Lavandochkа»

Natural objects and reserves

Новомалинський став

Natural objects and reserves

Rivne Zoo

vul. Kyivska, 110, Rivne

Other architectural attractions

Independence boulevard

bulvar (boulevard) Nezalezhnosti, Rivne

Other architectural attractions

Rivne Brewery

vul. Kopernyka, 9, Rivne

Other architectural attractions

Puppet Theatre

Other architectural attractions

Organ Hall

137, Soborna Street, Rivne

Other architectural attractions

Rivne Mysterious Dungeons

3d Soborna str., Rivne city

Other architectural attractions

Ostvytsia hillfort


Map of Rivne

About city Rivne

The city of regional importance in Ukraine, the regional center of Rivne region, the center of Rivne region.

Rivne is a significant cultural center of the state - there are theaters (regional muzdramteatr, puppet theaters and several studios) Philharmonic, the hall chamber and organ music, a number of museums, palaces and houses of culture, theaters, numerous libraries; The city has several parks and a zoo.

City crosses the river mouths, left tributary of the river Gorin
City Area 63 km²
Population: 248.6 thousand. Inhabitants (2015).
Population density: 3962 persons / km²
City Day last Sunday of August


Guides in Rivne

Оксана Бона

guide photographer

Olesya Dmitruk

Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Lyudia Voytiuk

Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours

Andrii Bryzhuk

Ostroh, Rivne Rivne Region
guide individual tours
I spend individual and group tours in Ostroh. and the surrounding area.

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